Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sugar Rush

     I have to admit. Traveling isn't exactly like I expected it to be. I expected it too feel like more of a vacation. You know like I was only gone for a short period of time and then I'd be home hanging out with friends and family. Well it turns out that 3 months is long enough for a place to start feeling familiar and for you to feel like you're starting a new life. Which, for those of you who have moved before know, isn't always the easiest thing to do.
   Of course it didn't help that one of my main goals while traveling is to take a huge bite out of debts and therefore I had regulated myself down to a small spending budget, significantly effecting my exploring. However after a great talk with my parents about balancing experience and getting out of debt I went on an adventure today... to Indiana... More specifically the 22nd Annual Sugarbush Maple Syrup Festival...

Compared to the frozen tundra of Kansas the weather in Kentucky is
gorgeous. Gorgeous equals about 40 by the way. :) Welcome to the
Sugarbush Maple Syrup Festival where the air smells like smoke and sugar.

I've always been facinated by the way
things work (I blame it on my dad). This is
the evaporator that transforms sap to syrup.
100% powered by wood burning heat.
Finished syrup waiting for packaging.

For you Aunt Louise... apparently Canadians are the
leading authority in all things maple syrup including

Food... the best part of any festival. This would be
waffles covered in pure maple syrup, strawberries,
whipped cream and chocolate chips.

Pure Sugar... kinda my thing

All in all it was a great afternoon complete with a sugar rush, lots of fresh air and photo opportunities. Well worth the drive and adjustinging the budget... I even made it home just in time for the tip of the KU game.

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