Sunday, February 10, 2013

I'm back

Well after a few technical difficulties and a little procrastination I have finally reset the blog... apparently blogs can get hacked just like email accounts. Who knew.

Back in January I took advantage of a 4 day weekend and drove the 7 (or 11 depending on the weather) hours to Harrisonburg and took advantage of the close(r) proximity. I was so looking forward to a relaxing weekend, apparently God had a few other ideas to go along with it.

Finances have never been my forte. This time the problem was that I started spending my traveling checks before I actually earned them. Unfortunatly I didn't realize how low my funding had gotten until I tried to get cash in West Virginia and couldn't...

Stressor #2 came in the form of an unexpected snow storm right in the middle of the West Virginia mountains... Suddenly a 7 hour trip became 11. Don't get me wrong it made for some stunning scenery but I don't recommend front wheel drive, moutain roads and 8 inches of snow in 2 hours.

20 minutes before I took this picture I had looked down and realized that
I had VERY LITTLE gas left. The roads were terrible, and I had no idea
where the nearest gas station was. So I pulled off and got stuck. God was
ready for that one too. How blessed am I that at the top o the off ramp was
a rescue crew that was cleaning up from a wreck, got me unstuck and pointed
me to the nearest station.
At that point I had a decision to make. I could either try to find (and make it
to) a hotel or try to keep going. I told myself if I could get back up the
on ramp I'd keep going... I did. And then sat behind a wreck for 1 1/2 hours!

Its interesting to see how God moves when you don't expect it. If I hadn't
pulled off the road when I did and gotten stuck I would have run out of gas
in the middle of a snow storm without cell service and maybe been in the
wreck I just had to wait out.

My family and friends knew that I was coming with the exception of my Grandmother. The look on her face made all the stress of the trip worth it. That and the fact that Charlotte and her sister Binti got to spend the weekend together for the first time since they were puppies.

Four dogs in the house at the same time...

Grandma and Keto's version of tug-of-war.


After her workout the day before Keto needed
some doggy massage and PT...

They say that things happen for a reason. Well I'm going out on a limb and saying God used this trip to get my attention. After a good conversation with my family about finances (after my paycheck deposited) Jonathan cut my credit card in half. Apparently freezing them in a block of ice wasn't as effective as it needed to be. So far the new budget is going good. 

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