Saturday, January 12, 2013


The weather was beautiful today and Charlotte needed excercise in the worst way possible so we combined the two and had a little fun.

Our first stop was the Dog park. Where we made a new
friend. This is Lola the great dane, they ran and ran and ran

Dog Parks in Louisville are run by a private group and you
have to get a key to get in and the paper work is a pain
but after seeing her sleep all evening it was well worth it.

We've had rain all week and so theres a lot of mud... and
thats where she laid when she got the chance.

The Ohio river creates the northern boarder of Kentucky.
Which means theres lots of waterfront to explore. 

Lets be honest I don't know why there
was so much fog on the river but it was
SO awesome and made for some great pictures.

Unlike home where there isn't enough water to float anything
the Ohio is a shipping waterway... can't swim here either.
Charlotte had a ball meeting lots of different people
Downtown Louisville... yes that is the KFC Yum Center... thats
what its called.. the yum center. :)

Because everyone in the south needs
a porch swing these are all along the
riverwalk... anyone want to come share
one with me.?


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